Main shirt sponsorship raffle nears a close
Berwick Rangers would like to remind supporters and local businesses of the upcoming June 27th deadline for the purchase of main shirt sponsorship raffle tickets, the winner of which will see their brand printed on all home & away ‘Gers strips next season.
The club is delighted to have now exceeded its target number of sales for the raffle thanks to the incredible support shown by entrants so far.
Indeed, within the latest batch of entrants are two companies who’ve purchased multiple tickets – and one company in particular, Thrive Learning, have blown the club away by purchasing five tickets.

The latest supporters and businesses to get involved and put themselves in with a chance of winning the raffle’s top prize are the following:
R Curle & Sons Livestock (2x Tickets)
C. F. Inkpen & Sons Electrical Contractors
A W Rodger and Family
Brian Coulm Builders, Eyemouth
Fork Truck Borders Instruction
Thrive Learning (5x tickets)
Robert Elliot
With just over two weeks remaining to get your entries in, the club encourages any remaining interested parties to move fast and get involved. Those needing further encouragement need to look no further than our prize breakdown…
1st Prize
- Main shirt sponsor for the 20/21 campaign, and your company logo on the front of all adult replica shirts
- 2x corporate season tickets for season 20/21 in the JB Lounge
- Half-page match programme advert & front cover advertising
- Coverage on our official website and digital channels
2nd Prize
- 2x corporate season tickets for season 20/21 in the JB Lounge
- A VIP away day experience on team bus and in boardroom
- Half-page match programme advert
3rd Prize
- Quarter-page programme advert
- 2x corporate season tickets for season 20/21 in the JB Lounge
All other entries
- A small programme advert and your logo featured on the club’s official website.
- 2x complimentary tickets to be used during the 20/21 season.
Pay £200 + VAT via BACS to:
Berwick Rangers PLC
Acc No: 00160678
Sort Code: 12-12-57