21st January 2020
Agenda released for EGM of Berwick Rangers FC PLC
This evening, an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Berwick Rangers Football Club PLC will be held at 7pm in the JB Lounge at Shielfield Park.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- To Receive Any Apologies for Absence.
- To formally accept and appoint DAVID BUGLASS as a Director of the Company
- To formally accept and appoint CRAIG FORSYTH as a Director of the Company
- To formally accept and appoint BRIAN PORTEOUS as a Director of the Company
- To formally accept and appoint DOUGLAS YOUNGER as a Director of the Company
Formal proposers and seconders of the above, having nominated within the 72 hour window will be confirmed. The nominees having duly accepted such nomination.
After formal adoption of Directors, the meeting will adjourn for a short period while the Directors retire to formally elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman.
The Meeting will then re-convene to discuss AOB.