St Mirren: Tickets & Travel
Fans are advised that St Mirren DO NOT operate cash turnstiles ahead of our Petrofac Training Cup Round One tie with the Paisley side this weekend.
Instead, fans making the journey to St Mirren Park should purchase their match ticket from the North Stand ticket office prior to the match. The ticket office will be open at the stadium from 1pm onwards.
Supporters should then make their way to the West Stand, where they will enter via Turnstiles 15 & 16, with both opening from 2pm onwards.
Prices for the match have been agreed as £10 Adults, £5 Concessions.
St Mirren have also extended an invitation to any ‘Gers fans making the journey to join the hosting side for a drink in the club’s hospitality suite, located in the South end of the Main Stand. A £2 entry fee applies, with the bar opening from 12noon until 2:45pm, and also opening for an hour post-match.
Supporters travelling by car are advised to approach from the M8 (Junction 29), following signs for Paisley (A726)

Fans are urged to act quickly to book their place on the bus, as a jugement needs to be made on whether the bus is viable shortly.
initially, before following the signs for football traffic (third set of lights after leaving the motorway).
Parking is availabe at a cost of £4 within the White Car Park at the stadium. Fans wishing to avoid charges are advised to check surrounding streets for parking restrictions before leaving their vehicle.
Any fans considering taking up the Travel Club’s bus are urged to act fast with the bus struggling to sell seats. With current figures as they stand, the bus may not be able to travel, and so additional bookings are crucial in making the judgement call on whether the bus may go ahead.
Fans wishing to book their place on board or at very least register interest should call George on 07764 189983 or Ali on 07969 808732.
The bus will leave Shielfield Park at 10am on Saturday morning, with pickups en-route also possible. Cost is just £10 per person.