Leisure centre drop-in session this Tuesday in Berwick

The general public are being asked to have their say on exciting plans for a brand new leisure centre in Berwick-upon-Tweed this Tuesday and Wednesday (14th & 15th March), and Berwick Rangers Football Club would like to encourage fans to head along to the event to convey their view as to why the club should be incorporated into any plans.

Taking place at Berwick Workspace between 2:00pm & 7:00pm on Tuesday, and at the Swan Centre for Leisure on Wednesday, a special drop-in has been arranged over two days to canvas views of the public on how the project should be taken forward.

The sessions will give people the opportunity to have their views on where the new facilities should be built, as well as what facilities residents and users would like to see within the new venue.

Council leader Grant Davey said: “I am very aware of the demand and need for 21st century leisure and culture facilities in Berwick, particularly to ensure the wellbeing needs of our communities are served correctly.

“While Berwick is not the oldest of our leisure centres, a range of alterations over the years means it doesn’t meet the highest modern standards.

“This will be one of the most significant investments in the town for years and we want to involve local residents from the start in giving their views on they would want to see included.”

The project represents a fantastic opportunity for the local community and Berwick Rangers would love to be at the forefront of helping deliver sport in the community over the long-term.

To help make this happen, the club calls on its fans to help make officers are aware of the benefit of making Shielfield Park the venue of a Leisure Centre development and including a much-wanted 3G pitch to the area.