Club Officials

Management Board:

Honorary President: Dennis McCleary

Honorary Vice President: Eric Tait

Chairman: Kevin Dixon

Vice-Chairman: Nathan Thompson

Directors: Douglas Younger, Dan Crowe, Robert Martin & Chris Butler.


Company Secretary/Solicitor: Mark Pentecost (BA Hons); Sanderson, McCreath and Edney

Football Secretary: Dennis McCleary

Stadium, Matchday & Other:

Groundsman: Ross Aitchison

Assistant Groundsman & Kitman: Colin Thompson

Hon Club Doctor: Dr Matthew Pettifer

Chief Stadium Safety Officer: Philip Rowett

Email: or Club Tel: 01289 385760

Chief Steward: Carl McGuinness

Disability Access Officer: Graham Exley CMIOSH, FIRSM, AIEMA, MIFPO or Tel 07921 889052

Child Welfare/Wellbeing and Protection Officer:  Ross Richardson

Email or for all general enquiries, or to obtain a full copy of the relevant policies and procedures.

Available via phone on 01289 385760

Director in charge of Wellbeing: Dan Crowe

Club Disclosure/Diversity Officer/Director: Dan Crowe

Home Matchday Office: Lyndsay Flannigan

Matchday Announcer: Dennis McCleary

Official Website/Social Media:  Nathan Thompson, Dan Crowe, David Letham, Ben Langley & Eion Smith.

Matchday Reporters: Eion Smith & Ben Langley.

Club/Web Photographers: Ian Runciman and Alan Bell.

BRFC TV: Alan Skelly (Cameraman and Editor)

Programme Team: Dennis McCleary (Editor), Neil Withington, Alan Bell/Ian Runciman (Photos), John Litster, Elliot Reynolds, Social Media Team

Gate Staff: From Graeme Tait, David Letham, Lyndsay Flannigan, Stuart Flannigan, Martin Henry, Rory Ambrose (Programmes), Linda Buchanan (HT Draw)

Club Shop: Graham Ambrose & Judith Thompson

Ball Boys: Provided by Berwick Rangers Community Academy.