Ideal partnership for the ‘Gers

The club are delighted to confirm a two-year extension of its partnership with longstanding sponsor, Ideal Carpets.
Ideal, who have sponsored some part of Berwick strips since as far back as 2008, have agreed to extend their support for the club for at least another two years, with the brand set to feature on ‘Gers shorts once more throughout the period.

Furthermore, Ideal Carpets are one of the brands who have moved quickly to demonstrate their trust in the club’s new direction, extending their support even further by purchasing a ticket for our Main Shirt sponsorship raffle.
The club would like to place on record its sincere appreciation of the continued and extensive support offered by Ideal Carpets and pass in particular pass on thanks to its founder, Dennis Hush, for his loyalty to the club.
The largest independent carpet and flooring specialists in North Northumberland and the Eastern Borders, Ideal Carpets offer a fantastic array of flooring choice combined with exceptional levels of customer service.
Based on North Road in the heart of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Ideal Carpets can help you with each step of refurbishment and home improvement for all your floor requirements.
Of course, brands both local and from further afield currently have the opportunity to win themselves a space on ‘Gers strips next season too through the club’s main shirt sponsorship raffle.
Currently accepting entries, the raffle costs just £200 + VAT per ticket, and offers the brands an opportunity to gain exposure in Berwick, the local region and across Scotland for a vastly reduced price.
Better still, all entrants will walk away with at least some form of advertising in ‘Gers media, whilst there are also prizes for the runner-up and third place.
1st Prize
- Main shirt sponsor for the 20/21 campaign, and your company logo on the front of all adult replica shirts
- 2x corporate season tickets for season 20/21 in the JB Lounge
- Half-page match programme advert & front cover advertising
- Coverage on our official website and digital channels
2nd Prize
- 2x corporate season tickets for season 20/21 in the JB Lounge
- A VIP away day experience on team bus and in boardroom
- Half-page match programme advert
3rd Prize
- Quarter-page programme advert
- 2x corporate season tickets for season 20/21 in the JB Lounge
All other entries
- A small programme advert and your logo featured on the club’s official website.
- 2x complimentary tickets to be used during the 20/21 season.
Pay £200 + VAT via BACS to:
Berwick Rangers PLC
Acc No: 00160678
Sort Code: 12-12-57